We do not ask for payment upfront we ask for payment once the assessor has visited the premises. Should you wish to place an order simply fill out the order form and we will call you within two working hours to confirm the appointment
As of 2030 all private landlords will be required to meet a higher standard of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C or equivalent in their properties – up from the current level of EPC E. Read the full article Here
There has recently been a non-domestic EPC software update. This update has greatly improved the rating for electric systems. We have re-issued quite a few EPC’s recently that when there were first assessed achieved a D and they now rate as C’s or B’s with no change to the data imputed. Please contact us to […]
The government has recently brought in-house the EPC Register. You can find the new service at https://find-energy-certificate.digital.communities.gov.uk/. Use this service to find energy certificates and recommendation reports for properties in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This includes: energy performance certificates (EPCs) display energy certificates (DECs) for public buildings air conditioning inspection certificates and reports